

Page history last edited by Ana Wu 15 years, 10 months ago


Click here to read a summary of the asynchronous discussion with Prof. Suresh Canagarajah.



Outline - Week 3 [ Jan 26- Feb 03]

Discussion on World Englishes (English varieties, ELT in Asia)


Guest speakers:   Suresh Canagarajah, Globalization and English: Redesigning Pedagogies in ELT

                            Yi-lin Sun,  Non-Native Speakers Navigating the System in North America.


In the third week, participants will: 

1. Participate in a discussion with Suresh Canagarajah.

2. Engage in a live discussion with Yilin Sun


Discussion with Suresh Canagarajah - Globalization and English: Redesigning Pedagogies in ELT  

(please go to yahoogroups)


Jan. 26-29


In the context of Internet, globalization, diaspora communities, and multinational production networks, postmodern subjects are constantly required to shuttle between diverse communities and English varieties. As a result, the demography of English speakers is changing, and English is used “mainly in multilingual contexts as a second language and for communication between non-native speakers” with the “decline of the native speaker” (Graddol, 1999, p.57). Therefore, scholars in ELT are beginning to abandon the distinctions “native”/”nonnative” or “standard”/”nonstandard” and treat everyone as speakers of Global English--a multinational language, featuring a plural grammatical system with diverse norms and conventions in different communities. We are beginning to realize that everyone needs a repertoire of English codes to negotiate postmodern communication. 


But how can a classroom teach the multiple codes required for postmodern communication? We have to consider a paradigm shift in language teaching. These changing pedagogical priorities imply that we should begin to develop language awareness rather than grammatical correctness (in a single variety); strategies (of learning, social negotiation, and discourse) rather than product-oriented rules; a 

sociolinguistic sensitivity to context and variability rather than the mastery of the abstract linguistic system. Rather than judging divergence as error, we should orientate to it as an exploration of choices and possibilities. Rather than teaching rules in a normative way, we should teach strategies--creative ways to negotiate the norms operating in diverse contexts.


Voice, World Englishes, and writing instruction

Part 1

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Part 2

YouTube plugin error


Click here to read a summary of the asynchronous discussion with Prof. Suresh Canagarajah.


Yilin Sun's online session will discuss challenges, successes as well as strategies that NNESTers have used in navigating different higher educational systems in North America. Case studies will also be used to engage interactive participation.


Online Discussion with Yi-lin Sun - Non-native Speakers Navigating the System in North America


Jan 30-Feb 3 


More and more NNESters are working in the higher education institutions and involved with national and international professional organiations such as TESOL.  The speaker in this session will discuss challenges, successes as well as strategies that NNESTers have used in navigating different systems in North America  including opportunities for employment in the higher education institutions, professional development and graduate studies. Case studies will be used to engage interactive participation.   
·        What are the challenges that NNESters face on our journey of navigating the Higher Ed systems in America and other English-speaking countries?
·        What are some successful startegies that NNESTers have used? How can their experience and strategies help you in navigating the system?
·        What are your personal successes, strategies and challenges?

Live session, Jan 30, 6 pm (USA Wahington, Seattle) or 2 AM GMT/Jan 31, Saturday

        See time and date conversion here, http://tinyurl.com/yilin-live

Powerpoint Presentation 


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Session Recording

Jan 30, 2009, [Fri] 08:23 PM Eastern (EST, North America/US) (02:22:09)[5.3003 MB]






Read here the text chat from the live session:


Moderator (Session Leader 2): I can start any time


Moderator (Session Leader): we can hear some noise


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Can you hear me?


Moderator (Session Leader 1): no


Moderator (Session Leader): turn up your mic/audio level


Moderator (Session Leader 1): hi alisa


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Can you hear me now?


Moderator (Session Leader 1): no, yilin...


Moderator (Session Leader): no


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Let me try again


alisatu831 [Alisa]: try again


Moderator (Session Leader 2): I just did


alisatu831 [Alisa]: i can't hear anything right now


Moderator (Session Leader 1): no...


tommynomad [undisclosed]: we can hear static


wolke [undisclosed]: Can't hear voices, only static, that's right


Maro0n [Elisenda]: Only 3 people said yes? ooooohhhh


Moderator (Session Leader 2): I heard a click sound


Moderator (Session Leader 1): yes, but we have others who didn't answer the poll, elisenda...


alisatu831 [Alisa]: yes


wolke [undisclosed]: heard sth


Moderator (Session Leader 2): I did


alisatu831 [Alisa]: i can her someone talking


Moderator (Session Leader 2): I can hear you well


Moderator (Session Leader 1): hi terry


Moderator (Session Leader 2): I just did


Maro0n [Elisenda]: Hi Terry!!  


alisatu831 [Alisa]: I am not sure how this works, if I talk can ppl hear me?


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Sould i plug the red one on, too?


Moderator (Session Leader 1): alisa, if you click the microphone, you have the floor


tommynomad [undisclosed]: red is usually mic


Maro0n [Elisenda]: no problm


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Hi, Elisenda



Moderator (Session Leader 1): take your time, yilin!


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Now I have both the pink and the green one plugged


aliciabarbitta [undisclosed]: hi...it's ok


Maro0n [Elisenda]: yes


Moderator (Session Leader 1): hi aliciabarbita


wolke [undisclosed]: yes


Maro0n [Elisenda]: yeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Great!


Moderator (Session Leader): Yilin, please release the mic


Moderator (Session Leader): you're talking


Moderator (Session Leader): we can't talk


Moderator (Session Leader 2): i did


Moderator (Session Leader): yes


tommynomad [undisclosed]: yes


wolke [undisclosed]: yes


Moderator (Session Leader): claps hands


tommynomad [undisclosed]: wow!


Moderator (Session Leader): let the participants introduce themselves


Moderator (Session Leader): Yilin let the participants introduce themselves


Moderator (Session Leader 1): thanks, elisenda!


Maro0n [Elisenda]:  


Moderator (Session Leader 1): hi benjamin


Moderator (Session Leader): no audio


tommynomad [undisclosed]: ditto


aliciabarbitta [undisclosed]: nop


Benjamin_trauko [Benjamin]: Sorry for being  late


Maro0n [Elisenda]: ditto?¿


Moderator (Session Leader 1): no problem


Moderator (Session Leader): hi ben!


Moderator (Session Leader 2): I heard someone don't have the audio


tommynomad [undisclosed]: ditto=same here, me too


Maro0n [Elisenda]: aaaaa! Thanks


Moderator (Session Leader 1): yes


tommynomad [undisclosed]: hi!


Moderator (Session Leader): yes


Benjamin_trauko [Benjamin]: yes


tommynomad [undisclosed]: yes


aliciabarbitta [undisclosed]: yes


Moderator (Session Leader 1): aiden: I can't record. Are you recording?


Moderator (Session Leader): yes


Benjamin_trauko [Benjamin]: Greetings from chile to every one


Moderator (Session Leader): yes


Moderator (Session Leader 1): please


Maro0n [Elisenda]: yes


aliciabarbitta [undisclosed]: Greetings from Uruguay!


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Hello, Everyone! Welcome to the session -Yilin



Moderator (Session Leader): yes


tommynomad [undisclosed]: yes


Benjamin_trauko [Benjamin]: Yes


Maro0n [Elisenda]: yes


alisatu831 [Alisa]: yes


aliciabarbitta [undisclosed]: yes


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Yes


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Can you all hear me?


wolke [undisclosed]: how to read the cases?


Moderator (Session Leader 2): What do you think about the case study and the questions?


Moderator (Session Leader): Kim's story


Moderator (Session Leader): Tommy did


Moderator (Session Leader 2): great. Any thoughts?


tommynomad [undisclosed]: just calling up my notes now


Moderator (Session Leader 1): yilin, you can release the micro for the participatns to speak


Maro0n [Elisenda]: I replied to the questions in our forum.


Moderator (Session Leader): if you want the participants to speak release the mic


Benjamin_trauko [Benjamin]: hello


Moderator (Session Leader): release the mic


Moderator (Session Leader): yes


Moderator (Session Leader 1): yes


alisatu831 [Alisa]: yes


Maro0n [Elisenda]: yes


Moderator (Session Leader 2): yes


aliciabarbitta [undisclosed]: yes


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Yes


Moderator (Session Leader 1): hi karen


Benjamin_trauko [Benjamin]: yes I can hear you


wolke [undisclosed]: where can i read the stories?


Moderator (Session Leader 1): yes, it's fictional


Maro0n [Elisenda]: Wolke, it is in the material


Maro0n [Elisenda]: fro week 3


wolke [undisclosed]: how to access it pls?


Maro0n [Elisenda]: in our wiki and EVo page


Maro0n [Elisenda]: I sent you the link, wait


wolke [undisclosed]: k, i'll try later, tx!


Moderator (Session Leader): http://nnest-evo2009.pbwiki.com/browse/#view=ViewFolder&param=Week%203


Maro0n [Elisenda]: ok, someone's quicker than me!


Maro0n [Elisenda]:  


Moderator (Session Leader 1): http://nnest-evo2009.pbwiki.com/browse/#view=ViewFolder&param=Week%203


Moderator (Session Leader): i agree Tommy


Moderator (Session Leader): reality


Moderator (Session Leader): right


tommynomad [undisclosed]: horrific, then


Moderator (Session Leader 1): you say fabricated in a sense that you collected bits?


Moderator (Session Leader 2): It's still there


tommynomad [undisclosed]: reminds me of george braine's story


Moderator (Session Leader): very similar


Moderator (Session Leader 2): That's just one of many


Moderator (Session Leader): ok


Moderator (Session Leader 1): yes


Moderator (Session Leader): ok


tommynomad [undisclosed]: great


alisatu831 [Alisa]: Hi moderator, I'm sorry that I am completely new here.  I want to read the article, but I dont know where can I find it. (I receive the email and signed up for to this chat immediately..)


Moderator (Session Leader): mic please


wolke [undisclosed]: scroll up


Moderator (Session Leader 1): alisa, can you click http://nnest-evo2009.pbwiki.com/browse/#view=ViewFolder&param=Week%203


wolke [undisclosed]: i'm reading it


alisatu831 [Alisa]: Thank you so much


Moderator (Session Leader 2): yes, please share your experience here



tommynomad [undisclosed]: now?


Moderator (Session Leader): yes


Moderator (Session Leader 1): yes


tommynomad [undisclosed]: or are we coming back to it?


Moderator (Session Leader): no, tomorrow, Tommy! yes, now  


Moderator (Session Leader): lol


tommynomad [undisclosed]: haha


Moderator (Session Leader 2): yes, we can come back to it later


Moderator (Session Leader 1): lol


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: Tommy's conflicted identity


Moderator (Session Leader): lol, Karen


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Hi Karen, welcome to the session


Moderator (Session Leader 1): tommy, briefly tell us your background


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: Yeah, eh!


Moderator (Session Leader 1): as a dutch, how are you challenged as a nnest?


Moderator (Session Leader 1): well, because of your looks


Moderator (Session Leader 1): lol


Moderator (Session Leader): thAT explains the leaf  


Moderator (Session Leader 1): thanks for sharing


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Thanks for sharing


Maro0n [Elisenda]: thanks


Moderator (Session Leader): physical looks


tommynomad [undisclosed]: that's right


Moderator (Session Leader): that look


Moderator (Session Leader): ok


Moderator (Session Leader 1): yes, think of sb like me (brazilian chinese...)


tommynomad [undisclosed]: they face similar problems as NESTs who *don't* have the look, maybe


Moderator (Session Leader 1): yes


Moderator (Session Leader): ok


tommynomad [undisclosed]: yes


Moderator (Session Leader): right


alisatu831 [Alisa]: Totally agree!


tommynomad [undisclosed]: yes--sometimes it's a cultural imperative


Moderator (Session Leader): exactly


alisatu831 [Alisa]: Also, when we really tried hard to fit in, we will be isolated by our fellows (from teh same countries) -- different values


aliciabarbitta [undisclosed]: the hardest


Moderator (Session Leader): i agree, Alisa


aliciabarbitta [undisclosed]: most educational places request NS,no room for NNS


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: sometimes it starts with one...


Maro0n [Elisenda]: wow


Moderator (Session Leader): from Mars


Moderator (Session Leader): i thought only men are from mars  


Maro0n [Elisenda]: lol


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: lol


tommynomad [undisclosed]: sometimes it's still aspoken rule


Moderator (Session Leader): right


wolke [undisclosed]: what they do is to say "native-speaker proficiency required"


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: whatever that means


wolke [undisclosed]: but which native speaker's?


tommynomad [undisclosed]: K-12 education in E required


Moderator (Session Leader): this connects to Suresh's topic


Moderator (Session Leader): World Englishes


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Some teacher inmy school connected accent and ability to teacher writing


Moderator (Session Leader): right, terry- so publications are important


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Yes, right.

Karen.Rauser [Karen]: they often get supportive when their teachers get published


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: ah yes, often I am the token Canadian...


tommynomad [undisclosed]: heehee


tommynomad [undisclosed]: hahahaha


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: like you know all about all Asians


alisatu831 [Alisa]: Can you explain more about being as a tocken, please


tommynomad [undisclosed]: that's bizarre, Yilin


wolke [undisclosed]: token means you just have one to show that you're tolerant, diverse etc


wolke [undisclosed]: or a small number, just for show


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: Alisa, often administrators hire teachers who are ethnically or linguistically diverse to "show" that they are equal opportunity employers... but they just hire one or two...


tommynomad [undisclosed]: like the only little black boy on South Park, who's name is "Token"


Maro0n [Elisenda]: South Park... hahaha! long time I haven't remembered them :-D


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: because they are used to NNESTs being invisible, they often see any kind of initiative as aggressive


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: tommy -- lol


alisatu831 [Alisa]: Yilin, I am right now teachign a class to international post-docs/visiting scholars a class on "Speaking and Listening in the Workplace"--they often ask how do we decide what makes a response/comment/phrase direct--rude--impolite?


wolke [undisclosed]: and they assume that a non-white is therefore an NNS or NNEST


tommynomad [undisclosed]: yes, karen: "those uppity nigras"


alisatu831 [Alisa]: You're totally right, Yilin, I don't know how to answer that question


wolke [undisclosed]: alisa, that's more pragmatics


alisatu831 [Alisa]: I want them to hold their own identities but I also know they probably should be accultrated if they want to "fit-in"


Moderator (Session Leader): seek opportunity!


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: give them the tools, they can choose to use them or not


tommynomad [undisclosed]: don't wait: seek, seek!  knock knock!



wolke [undisclosed]: karen: yes


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened


Moderator (Session Leader): get to know you


Moderator (Session Leader): right


Moderator (Session Leader 1): hi karen


Maro0n [Elisenda]: I'm sorry but I'm very tired... Everything is very interesting but being nearly 4am I'm sleepy... Sorry! Im happy to be here part of the talk. I¡ll listen to it tomorrow, please record as usual eh!    Good night to everybody and thanks!!!! -sorry, my eyes can't literally be opened for more time...- Bye!  


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: those NS are going to fall behind someday...


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: OR superior


tommynomad [undisclosed]: g'night Eli


Maro0n [Elisenda]:    bye pple


Karen.Rauser [Karen] to Maro0n [Elisenda]: night Elisenda!


Maro0n [Elisenda]: enjoy this session! Nice to meet  you Yilin


Maro0n [Elisenda]:  


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Thank you Good night


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: My roommate from Taiwan said the same thing about being a "foreign stduent


tommynomad [undisclosed]: no hands now


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: networks... very good


alisatu831 [Alisa]: But Yilin, once we Asian students do so, ppl call us Asian "circles"


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Exactly!


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: Good point Alisa


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: becoming... ethnographers


Moderator (Session Leader 1): hi grazzie


grazzie [Grazzia Maria]: hello I had a hard time getting in


tommynomad [undisclosed]: also: pressure your institutions to address NNEST needs


alisatu831 [Alisa]: I recently had a conversation with my American friends, and they told me "don't you think TESOL program is a glorified ELP"!


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Hope you are okay now


Moderator (Session Leader 1): but now you are here (grazzie)! you made it


grazzie [Grazzia Maria]: yep


wolke [undisclosed]: alisa, even so, so what?


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: Alisa -- Whoa!


alisatu831 [Alisa]: I know!


tommynomad [undisclosed]: you'll show them up when you graduate


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: unfortunately -- TESOL programs don't usually work on language proficiency very much at all


alisatu831 [Alisa]: Good point karen


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: that is left to the wisdom of the individual students


alisatu831 [Alisa]: yes, karen


wolke [undisclosed]: you mean grad tesol programs or the ones we teach?


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: When in actual fact, NS teacher trainees need the training in Language proficiency even more than the NNESTS


wolke [undisclosed]: huh???


Moderator (Session Leader 1): how come?


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: In graduate TESOL programs


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: NS don't realize how bad they are at English


Moderator (Session Leader 1): in grammar?


tommynomad [undisclosed]: yes, Yilin: leadership from within!


wolke [undisclosed]: haha!


Moderator (Session Leader 2): That's right!


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: absolutely --


wolke [undisclosed]: karen, when you say that, aren't you subscribing to their prescription?


Moderator (Session Leader): Terry is here!


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: sorry, wolke, I'm not sure you read me right...?


Moderator (Session Leader 2): welcome Terry!


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Tnhanks


wolke [undisclosed]: karen: ns sometimes don't know their english is bad -> according to ns standards


Moderator (Session Leader 1): and TESOL graduate students are not required to take grammar classes


wolke [undisclosed]: but i guess i know what you mean -> pot calling the kettle black?


Karen.Rauser [Karen] to wolke [undisclosed]: pretty sure this is a whole nuther conversation!  


Moderator (Session Leader 1):  


Karen.Rauser [Karen] to wolke [undisclosed]: will continue after session..


alisatu831 [Alisa]: Going alone with Tommy's point, I really think language awareness (or awareness in general) is very important for TESOL students (or NNESTers)


wolke [undisclosed]: on grammar classes: depends on program


wolke [undisclosed]: some programs have quite a bit of linguistics


alisatu831 [Alisa]: Isn't it difficult for NNESTers to teach "cultural nuamces"..


wolke [undisclosed]: depends


Moderator (Session Leader 2): not really once you are in it


Moderator (Session Leader 1): I don't think so too


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: I think it is sometimes more valuable from someone who has learned it already


tommynomad [undisclosed]: on the contrary, i think in some instances it's easier for us than for those NESs on the inside


wolke [undisclosed]: can be


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: I have to learn it inside out... sometimes harder


alisatu831 [Alisa]: true! Yilin


wolke [undisclosed]: like the NS not knowing his/her own language! lol


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Because NNS have better IC competnece


wolke [undisclosed]: not always


tommynomad [undisclosed]: yes terry


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: uhh.. exactly wolke


wolke [undisclosed]: yilin, YES!


wolke [undisclosed]: bec they sometimes think NNES are dumb or sth


wolke [undisclosed]: "shyness" is not directly proportional to one's first language/culture


wolke [undisclosed]: it's more a personality issue


tommynomad [undisclosed]: most institutions want faculty to put research projects ahead of students, no?


wolke [undisclosed]: depends


wolke [undisclosed]: most institutions want grants, and foreign students who pay full tuition i think


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: And shyness depends on whether your are speaking or wring e-mails


wolke [undisclosed]: yes


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: yes... excellent people! I agree!


wolke [undisclosed]: i think having a veteran introduce you to the network helps to ease you into a new environment too


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: very true


Moderator (Session Leader 1): you are right: time consuming, but the rewards are endless    Just think of this workshop: we have people from so many countries/background


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: the mentor thing is important


tommynomad [undisclosed]: it's built into the system here at UofA


Moderator (Session Leader 1): how do you convince ns to collaborate with nnes?


alisatu831 [Alisa]: joining TESOL interest section maillist is also a good way too! I am always amazed at the many people who are so enthusiastically responding to questions/feedback


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: befriend them


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: give them chocolates


wolke [undisclosed]: i think as with everybody else, you need to show some commitment and humility first - in response to "session leader 1"


Moderator (Session Leader 1): i see


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: dark chocolates


Moderator (Session Leader 1): dark 72% chocolate


wolke [undisclosed]: we shouldn't assume that NS are naturally unfriendly or ignorant etc


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: mmm... 80%


alisatu831 [Alisa]: lol


Moderator (Session Leader 1): no, that's not the point. i mean in terms of benefits


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: thank you again, wolke


wolke [undisclosed]: oh, preach to them! lol


wolke [undisclosed]: for me personally, i study the topic and share with them what i've found, in as non-intrusive a way as possible


wolke [undisclosed]: i think often it can blow them!  


wolke [undisclosed]: away that is  


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: truly...


Moderator (Session Leader 1): about collaboration: let's wait for Lia Kamhi-Stein and Luciana de Oliveira's session (week 5)


Moderator (Session Leader 1): thanks!


alisatu831 [Alisa]: Excellent experience sharing Yilin


Moderator (Session Leader 1): tommy


Moderator (Session Leader): go ahead


Moderator (Session Leader): yes


wolke [undisclosed]: thanks for sharing!  


Moderator (Session Leader): anyone who wants to take the mic


Moderator (Session Leader): yes


wolke [undisclosed]: i actually have one question


wolke [undisclosed]: how do we diffentiate NS from NNS?


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: wolke -- lol!


wolke [undisclosed]: i'm serious, 'cos i don't know whether i'm NS or NNS


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Thanks.  This is wonderful - something I can share with my stduent teashers, who are non-native teachers"


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: wolke - I don't think you should have to choose


wolke [undisclosed]: i never thot so either, until i have to find a teaching job!  


Moderator (Session Leader 1): ns/nnes: in some cases, it is a matter of self-identity


tommynomad [undisclosed]: yes!


wolke [undisclosed]: i'm just a good english speaker, eh?  


tommynomad [undisclosed]: not too ambitious!


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: lol, eh


Moderator (Session Leader 2): go ahead


Moderator (Session Leader): anyone else who wants to talk?


Moderator (Session Leader): mic please


Moderator (Session Leader 1): aiden?   )


wolke [undisclosed]: do you think NNS discriminate against their own kind?


Moderator (Session Leader): no mic Samantha?


grazzie [Grazzia Maria]: definitely


wolke [undisclosed]: sorry, no mic


grazzie [Grazzia Maria]: I've seen it and experienced it


wolke [undisclosed]: do you thinnk nns discriminate agst their own kind?


Moderator (Session Leader 1): do you think NNS discriminate against their own kind?


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Yes,


Moderator (Session Leader 1): yes


Benjamin_trauko [Benjamin]: Sure


wolke [undisclosed]: can you give some instances?


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: Yilin, how do you feel about the label itself -- is it a hindrance to the emerging confidence of the "translinguistic English instructor"?


Moderator (Session Leader 2): go ahead


Moderator (Session Leader): systems


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: oh yeah... very different


Moderator (Session Leader): near


wolke [undisclosed]: karen, what's "translinguistic english instructor"?


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: haha!


alisatu831 [Alisa]: the American born asians s,times (in TESOL program) descriminate NNS (asians) -- my experience-- still can't generalize everyone though


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: Samantha -- it's an alternate label I've been trying for NNESTs


Moderator (Session Leader): i think there are similarities


Moderator (Session Leader): right


Moderator (Session Leader 2): go ahead


tommynomad [undisclosed]: one was mine leftover, sorry


tommynomad [undisclosed]: the hands should really unclick when we get the mic


Moderator (Session Leader 1):  


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: rewrite the program, tommy


tommynomad [undisclosed]: for example?


grazzie [Grazzia Maria]: what about students who discriminate theri NNES teachers


tommynomad [undisclosed]: that's great!


wolke [undisclosed]: ABSOLUTELY!


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: out of how many?


tommynomad [undisclosed]: did it feel like tokenism?


Moderator (Session Leader 1): I wouldn't say discriminate, but being at first ignorant.. does it count?


tommynomad [undisclosed]: ty


wolke [undisclosed]: i haven't quite personally experienced the discrimination but certainly it exists...they prolly get fed all sorts of weird ideas from dunno-who!


tommynomad [undisclosed]: has anyone else studied in the inner circle?


wolke [undisclosed]: me


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: I don't think I count... but yes


tommynomad [undisclosed]: i think you count inasmuch as you have valid observations


wolke [undisclosed]: but what about multilingual speakers?


wolke [undisclosed]: i have several first languages, and was educated in english but in an OC country


Moderator (Session Leader): it still all boils down to personality and qualifications


Moderator (Session Leader 1): yes


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: I agree, Yilin, often the initial resistance of students to a NNS is changed very quickly when they realize the competence factor


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Yes, I agree!!


wolke [undisclosed]: karen: that's my personal experience


tommynomad [undisclosed]: i don't need t be an israeli student to see they can feel cowered in my classroom filled with germans and saudis


wolke [undisclosed]: not just competence but also personality


wolke [undisclosed]: when they know you're professional and don't boss around just bec you're white!


tommynomad [undisclosed]: yes: it all comes back to competence


Moderator (Session Leader): right Samantha


tommynomad [undisclosed]: but what if people are resistant to seeing that competence


Moderator (Session Leader 2): I'd think that's ignorant


Moderator (Session Leader): use the mic please


tommynomad [undisclosed]: I think that's the crux of what yilin identifies as needing change


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: It depends on what the teacher can do, and students will come to aprrexciate good teachers and leave their prejudices


wolke [undisclosed]: tommy: kinda hard, eh?


Moderator (Session Leader): no mic Terry?


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Yes, I do... but I'm shy.



alisatu831 [Alisa]: bye everyone, I had to leave (nice to talk to you all)


Moderator (Session Leader 1): bye


wolke [undisclosed]: bye, have a good weekend!


Moderator (Session Leader): by Alisa


Moderator (Session Leader 1): terry, don't be shy


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Thanks.


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: Amen, Yilin


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Yes, right on!


wolke [undisclosed]: yeah, educate the NS!


wolke [undisclosed]: and the NNS students


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: Yes, it's about time they (we) started doing some of the work


Moderator (Session Leader 1): yes


Moderator (Session Leader): go ahead


Moderator (Session Leader 2): go ahead


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: That was Katya


wolke [undisclosed]: sorry folks, gotta go! have a good weekend,  everybody, and thank so much, yilin!  


wolke [undisclosed]: thanks


Moderator (Session Leader 1): bye


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: Samantha... could we get your profile?


wolke [undisclosed]: like?


wolke [undisclosed]: can i put it somewhere? how?


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: can't find you in themembers..


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: How do I indicate I want to speak?


wolke [undisclosed]: am new, how to do that?


wolke [undisclosed]: raise hand


tommynomad [undisclosed]: click the little hand icon, terry


Moderator (Session Leader): raise your hand (near smiley)


tommynomad [undisclosed]: yes!


Moderator (Session Leader): mic please


Karen.Rauser [Karen] to wolke [undisclosed]: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nnest_evo2009/


Moderator (Session Leader 2): go ahead


Moderator (Session Leader): Terry?


Moderator (Session Leader 1): terry, click the mic icon


tommynomad [undisclosed]: when it's 'yellowed' you can speak


Moderator (Session Leader): mic icon below


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Go ahead Terry


wolke [undisclosed]: eh, no sound?


Moderator (Session Leader): don't be shy Terry


Moderator (Session Leader 1): no


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Can you ehar me?


tommynomad [undisclosed]: no sound


Moderator (Session Leader): no


tommynomad [undisclosed]: nope


Karen.Rauser [Karen] to wolke [undisclosed]: join the group -- email me if you need some help: karenrauser@yahoo.com


Moderator (Session Leader): turn your audio level up


Karen.Rauser [Karen] to wolke [undisclosed]: press ctrl F2


Karen.Rauser [Karen] to wolke [undisclosed]: oops.. that wasn't meant fo ryou samantha


tommynomad [undisclosed]: is there a teenager in the room: we need a techie!


wolke [undisclosed]: hey karen, are you the moderator?


Moderator (Session Leader): press CTL + F2


Karen.Rauser [Karen] to wolke [undisclosed]: nope!


Karen.Rauser [Karen] to wolke [undisclosed]: Aiden and Ana are


Moderator (Session Leader 1): go ahead, terry


Moderator (Session Leader): there you go


Karen.Rauser [Karen] to wolke [undisclosed]: YEAH!!!!


tommynomad [undisclosed]: sound!


Moderator (Session Leader 1): yes


Moderator (Session Leader): ok we can hear you


tommynomad [undisclosed]: yes!


wolke [undisclosed]: yes

Moderator (Session Leader): yes


Benjamin_trauko [Benjamin]: Yes


tommynomad [undisclosed]: yay terry!


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: yep!


Moderator (Session Leader): release the mic Terry


wolke [undisclosed]: can i send a record of the messages here to an email address or sth?


Moderator (Session Leader): click it again


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Could you hear my question?


tommynomad [undisclosed]: colleagues are often resistant/apathetic, it's true


Moderator (Session Leader): yes


Moderator (Session Leader 1): yes


Moderator (Session Leader): click the mic again Terry


Moderator (Session Leader 2): My mic is not working


Moderator (Session Leader): ok


Moderator (Session Leader): yes


Benjamin_trauko [Benjamin]: yes


tommynomad [undisclosed]: yes


tommynomad [undisclosed]: yes!


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: NS can be very effective in reaching other unenlightened NS


tommynomad [undisclosed]: also invite NNESTs to tell their stories, and get colleagues to attend


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Thanks!!!


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: Yeah, Terry -- a true Horton!


tommynomad [undisclosed]: do you feel like you're making a dent, terry?


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Thanks, Ana!


Moderator (Session Leader 1):  


Moderator (Session Leader): IS  


Moderator (Session Leader): right


Moderator (Session Leader): lol


Moderator (Session Leader 1):  


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Building community with both NS and NNSters is the way to go!


Moderator (Session Leader 1): hi giselle


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Yes, I agree. Building a community of people among those who are interested and passionate about these issues.


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Absolutely!


Moderator (Session Leader): go ahead


Moderator (Session Leader 2): go ahead


GiselleRobitaille [Giselle]: hello! Nice to be here -I will just mostly be listening as I do not have a mike. Interesting topic..


Moderator (Session Leader 1): terry, your hand is raised


tommynomad [undisclosed]: where are you Giselle?


GiselleRobitaille [Giselle]: I am in Nova


Moderator (Session Leader): Canada?


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: No, how do I lower my hand?


GiselleRobitaille [Giselle]: Scotia whoops Nova Scotia.


GiselleRobitaille [Giselle]: yes.


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: Bienvenue


Moderator (Session Leader 1): click the hand icon, terry


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Another Canadian - 


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Thanks!


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: NOW we are taking over


Moderator (Session Leader): lol


GiselleRobitaille [Giselle]: I am have just finished a paper on NNEST and one thing that really struck me was how essential experiencial knowledge was to their teaching.


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: Just... THANK YOU!


Moderator (Session Leader): lol


Moderator (Session Leader 1):  


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: just cause you take so long to get to the point...  


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Yes, I will


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Thank you so much for this presentation - and giving me the opportunity to learn abiout this kind of forum.


tommynomad [undisclosed]: HEY!  I resemble that remark


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: lol


tommynomad [undisclosed]: me too!


tommynomad [undisclosed]: tyvm!


Moderator (Session Leader 1):  


Moderator (Session Leader 1): mic please


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Thanks sao much to Ana and Aiden!!!!!!!!


GiselleRobitaille [Giselle]: thank you and nice to get some a view of this forum.


Moderator (Session Leader): mic please


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Thank you all! It has been so wonderful talking with you all!


Moderator (Session Leader 1): yilin, mic please


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: Just so that you are all joined up... http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nnest_evo2009/


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Or dinner time... and my Mom is waiting.


tommynomad [undisclosed]: what/when's next time, Aiden and Ana?


Benjamin_trauko [Benjamin]: Thank you


Moderator (Session Leader 1): sorry, next session?


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Bye and Thank you everyone!


Moderator (Session Leader): Bye all!


tommynomad [undisclosed]: yep


Moderator (Session Leader 1): it's ahmar, on thursday (CA time)


tommynomad [undisclosed]: great, thatnks!


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Hope to see you at TESOL 2009!


Moderator (Session Leader 1): thanks, aiden


tommynomad [undisclosed]: c u thursday, everyone!


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Yes!!


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: cyou all!


Moderator (Session Leader 2): We should get -together - 


Moderator (Session Leader): bye all


Benjamin_trauko [Benjamin]: see you


tommynomad [undisclosed]: thank you yilin!


Karen.Rauser [Karen]: off to a date with my patient hubby


Moderator (Session Leader 1): aiden, i will copy the text chat


Moderator (Session Leader): let's continue our discussion on Yahoo! Group


tommynomad [undisclosed]: i'm gonna rock out to the Go-gos


Terrymichael [undisclosed]: Bye, everyone!!!


Moderator (Session Leader): lol


Moderator (Session Leader 1): please, tommy, do so


Moderator (Session Leader): bye guys


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Have a nice date Karen!


Karen.Rauser [Karen]:  


Moderator (Session Leader 2): Thank you Aiden and Ana!



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