

Week 1 [Jan 12-18, 2008]



Go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nnest_evo2009/ and post your introductions. Please tell us where you are located, where you teach, and other info that you want to share with us.


Check out our World Map and see the people who have joined our discussion group. You can add your photo, too!  


Guest Speakers:

            Katya Nemtchinova, Chair, NNEST Interest Section:  Introducing NNEST-IS

            Brock Brady, Chair Elect, NNEST IS: NNEST:  What's in a name? Why are we here?  



Participants should ideally read the short selection of readings for this week prior to beginning.  This week’s session will consider the purpose and history of TESOL’s NNEST Caucus/(now) Interest Section and problems with the NNEST label, and then wrap up with a discussion of what the NNEST community can do for you now, and what we might like it to do in the future. 


Part 1 - Introducing NNEST - IS

1. NNEST Caucus/IS History

2. NNEST Goals

3. NNEST trajectory: Where do we see ourselves in 5 years (initiatives, activities, research)?


Discussion Questions:

- What does NNEST mean to you? Why did you join it?

- A common topic in literature on NNEST issues is personal accounts of challenges and successes. What is your story?

- Recent job ads show that there is still some prejudice against NNEST.  Have you had or have you heard of experiences similar to the ones described by G. Braine and A. Jeni? What do you think the IS could do to curb the professional discrimination of NNEST?


Reading Material:

- Find Alexander Jenin's article in the Week 1 folder.


PPT, http://www.slideboom.com/presentations/39505/katya-evo


Part 2 - NNEST:  What's in a name? Why are we here? 

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why do you think that George Braine convened the panel (which led to the creation of the TESOL NNEST Caucus) that the 1996 TESOL Convention in Chicago? What might have been the issues, and why might they have come to a head at that time?
  2. What do you think were some of the reasons why the NNEST label was coined?  What are some pros and cons with continuing to use the label today?
  3. What are some of the alternative labels that might be proposed for the kinds of education, advocacy, and research that NNEST entities and researchers have been involved in?
  4. Next week you will be considering more deeply the issues of NNEST research, but for now what role do NNEST organizations play in professional support and advocacy that that can help you today and can help you tomorrow?

Reading Materials (You may also find them in the Week 1 folder):

   - History and purpose of the NNEST Caucus/IS



  - 2006 Position Statement Against Discrimination of Nonnative Speakers of English in the Field of TESOL http://tinyurl.com/5q8o2z

  - 2006 TESL-EJ Forum"Native or Nonnative--Can we still wonder who is better at http://tesl-ej.org/ej37/f1.html

  - Paul Matsuda's 2003 article "What's in Name?" on the website: http://matsuda.jslw.org/abstracts/pdf/tm2003.pdf

  - Email discussions of 2004 and 2008 on a possible name change. http://tinyurl.com/5znbfb

  - Brock Brady's “A Big Evening for WATESOL's small NNEST Caucus.”  http://tinyurl.com/5vyxjr

  - Brock Brady's TESOL 2005 “Redefining “Nonnative English Speaking Teachers.” http://tinyurl.com/55buww


PPT, http://www.slideboom.com/presentations/38883/Brock_ppt 


Date: Jan. 15, 2009 (U.S.)

Time: 4:00-6:00 pm PST

          or 7:00-9:00 pm EST

          or 8:00-10:00 am, Jan 16 in Taiwan and rest of Asia.

          or 12 midnight-1 am GMT, Jan 16


        See time conversions here, http://tinyurl.com/brock-katya-live

Place: Learning times, http://tinyurl/y3eh

90 minutes


READ Tips-On-Using-LT before attending the live session! 


If you missed the live session, click here to listen to the recording or go to:


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