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Guest Speakers 

(List order according to Weekly Schedule)



Katya Nemtchinova


Prof. Nemtchinova, originally from Russia, is an associate professor of TESOL and Russian in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Seattle Pacific University where she teacher Russian as well as methodology and linguistics courses in the MA TESOL program. She holds a Ph.D. in applied linguistics from SUNY at Stony Brook, New York. A member of NNEST Caucus since 2000, she has also served as a Webmaster for Teacher Education Interest Section and was a faculty sponsor for Graduate Student Forum in 2005-2007. Her research interests include technology in language learning, teacher education, and the issues of nonnative English speaking professionals in TESOL. 



Brock Brady

Brock Brady, is CoDirector of the TESOL Program at American University in Washington, DC. He is the current Chair Elect of the NNEST Intersection. His research interests include cross-cultural discourse analysis, teaching pronunciation, professional association development, and distance learning. As a TESOL Board Member from 2005 to 2008, Brock was the association's representative to the United Nation's Non-Governmental Organization program and Chair of the Finance and Development Committees.  A former Fulbright Scholar and former Peace Corps Volunteer, Brock has taught under and alongside NNEST peers in Benin, Burkina Faso, Korea, France, Panama, Spain, Togo and the U.S. He consults for the State Department on English language teaching in both South Africa and Angola. From 1993 to 1997, he managed English Teaching Programs for the State Department in Burkina Faso and Benin.  His wife Kyongsook, is a nonnative English speaking teacher teaching second grade in Montgomery County Public Schools, in Maryland, USA.                       





Enric Llurda


Enric Llurda teaches English and Applied Linguistics at the Universitat de Lleida. He is the author of several research papers in international journals and book chapters, as well as the editor of a book entirely devoted to non-native language teachers (Llurda, E. (ed) (2005) Non-native language teachers. Perceptions, challenges and contributions to the profession. New York: Springer). A list of his publications can be found at: http://web.udl.es/dept/dal/webs_personal/enric/publications.htm


Suresh Canagarajah


Suresh Canagarajah is the Kirby Professor in Language Learning and Director of the Migration Studies Project at Pennsylvania State University. He teaches World Englishes, Teaching and Research in Second Language Writing, Postcolonial Studies, and Theories of Rhetoric and Composition in the departments of English and Applied Linguistics. He has taught before in the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, and the City University of New York (Baruch College and the Graduate Center). He has published on bilingual communication, learning of writing, and English language teaching in professional journals. His book Resisting Linguistic Imperialism in English Teaching (OUP, 1999) won Modern Language Association’s Mina Shaughnessy Award for the best research publication on the teaching of language and literacy. His subsequent publication Geopolitics of Academic Writing (UPittsburgh Press 2002) won the Gary Olson Award for the best book in social and rhetorical theory. His edited collection Reclaiming the Local in Language Policy and Practice (Erlbaum, 2005) examines linguistic and literacy constructs in the context of globalization. His study of World Englishes in Composition won the 2007 Braddock Award for the best article in the College Composition and Communication journal. Suresh edits TESOL Quarterly. He is currently analyzing interview transcripts and survey data from South Asian immigrants in Canada, USA, and UK to consider questions of identity, community, and heritage languages in diaspora communities. 



Yilin Sun


Yilin Sun, (Ph.D. Applied Linguistics, Curriculum & Instruction, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto, Canada, 1992),  TESOL Board of Director, 2008-2011,  Chair of the Affiliate Leadership Council of TESOL (2006). She teaches at South Seattle Com. College in Washington, USA. She has over 20 years of teaching /research experience in TESL and has rich life and work experiences in China, Canada and USA. Her research interests include NNEST in TESOL, Adult Education, Program evaluation and assessment, curriculum development, L2 reading, and classroom-based action research. She is the author of several book chapters and articles in refereed professional journals in the field of Second Language education including TESOL Quarterly and Reading Research Journal. She has also presented widely at national and international educational conferences. As a two-time Fulbright Scholarship receipient, Yilin conducted research in China and Vietnam.



Ahmar Mahboob


Ahmar Mahboob teaches linguistics at the University of Sydney, Australia. He earned his PhD at Indiana University, Bloomington, in 2003, with a dissertation on Status of nonnative English speakers as ESL teachers in the United States. Ahmar has worked in the areas of language policy development, pidgin and creole languages, NNEST studies, English language acquisition, English language teaching and teacher education, World Englishes, pragmatics, and issues surrounding minority languages in South Asia. Ahmar is the Past President of Indiana TESOL and the Past Chair of the NNEST Caucus in TESOL International. Ahmar also organizes the annual Free Linguistics Conference (www.freelinguistics.org) with Naomi Knight and is the co-editor, with Naomi, of a recent volume “Questioning Linguistics” (http://www.c-s-p.org/Flyers/Questioning-Linguistics1-84718-667-X.htm).


Lia Kamhi-Stein


Lía D. Kamhi-Stein is a professor in the Charter College of Education at CaliforniaStateUniversity, Los Angeles, where she coordinates and teaches in the TESOL MA Program. She is originally from Argentina, where she was an EFL teacher, program administrator and teacher educator. Her research interests include academic literacy, the integration of computer-mediated communication tools in TESOL teacher preparation, and nonnative English-speaking professionals. She is a past California TESOL President and Secretary and served on the TESOL Board of Directors (2004-2007). She also served as Chair of the NNEST Caucus and as the Caucus first newsletter editor. She has published articles in TESOL Quarterly, TEXT, TESOL Journal, The Journal of Adult and Adolescent Literacy, Lectura y Vida, and other professional journals. Currently she is serving on the Editorial Board of TESOL Quarterly and CATESOL Journal. She is editor of Learning and Teaching from Experience: Perspectives on Nonnative English-speaking Professionals (University of Michigan Press) and co-editor (with Marguerite Ann Snow) of Developing a New Course for Adult Learners (TESOL). She has a forthcoming book titled Language Teacher Identity: Implications for Teaching Second Language Learners. She is a recipient of the 2003-2004 Outstanding Professor at California State University, Los Angeles.


Language Teacher Identity: Implications for Teaching Second Language Learners  


Luciana de Oliveira


Luciana C. de Oliveira (Ph.D., Education: Language, Literacy & Culture; Second Language Acquisition, University of California, Davis) is assistant professor of literacy and language education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Purdue University. Her research focuses on issues related to teaching ELLs at the K-12 level, including the role of language in the development of academic literacy in the content areas; second language writing; and NNESTs. She has held several leadership positions at California TESOL (CATESOL), including Nonnative Language Educators' Issues Interest Group Coordinator (2002-2004), Assistant College/University Chair (2004-2005), and College/University Chair (2005-2006). At TESOL, she was Chair-Elect (2006-2007) and Chair (2007-2008) of the Nonnative English Speakers in TESOL Caucus and led the efforts of the caucus to become an interest section, which TESOL approved in June 2008. She’s a member of TESOL’s Serial Publications Committee (2007-2010). In 2008, she was Indiana TESOL’s Vice President and conference chair. She becomes President in 2009. She has over fifteen years of ESL teaching experience at various levels.



George Braine


 George Braine (Ph.D., Texas) teaches at the English Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His areas of interest include issues relating to nonnative speaker English teachers, the acquisition of academic literacy by NNS graduate students, and second language writing. His Non-native Educators in English Language Teaching (1999) is regarded as the groundbreaking publication in the area of nonnative speaker teachers. He has also edited Teaching English to the World (2005), which describes ELT in 15 countries. Braine is the founding Chair of the Nonnative Speakers Caucus in TESOL.


 At the Chinese University of Hong Kong, he Directs the MA Program in Applied Linguistics and Supervised the Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) program http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/wac/. For ten years, he was the coeditor of the Asian Journal of English Language Teaching (AJELT) http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ajelt/ and from 2005-07, was the President of the Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics http://www.haal.hk/.  Braine is working on a book on the nonnative speaker movement.



Kyung-Hee Bae

Prof. Bae holds an MA in Applied English Linguistics from the University of Houston. As the Assistant Director at the University of Houston Writing Center, she is deeply involved in developing writing curriculum for students in various disciplines across campus. Courses she has taught include the non-native speakers' equivalent of freshman composition I and II, Technical Communications course for engineering majors, and Graduate Writing Workshop for Nonnative English speaking Students in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Recently, she has co-authored a chapter entitled “Individualizing Pedagogy: Dealing with Diverse Needs and Goals in Freshman Comp for Non-native Speakers” in the upcoming book, Generation 1.5 in College Composition: Teaching Academic Writing to U.S.-Educated Learners of ESL. 


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